Helix Universal Server

Last-modified: 2018-02-03 (土) 09:33:59 (2366d)


Helix Universal Server (1年間フリー、と思ったが30日間のtrialだった)



対応フォーマットは、Real Audio 10 / Real Video 10、旧バージョンの Real Audio / Real Video、Windows Media、Quick Time、Flash および MPEG4 を含む 50 種類以上。

Helix Server Basicは1年間フリーで使えるみたいだが、配信できるフォーマットがReal Mediaだけと制限が多い。どうも、パッケージは同じでライセンスファイルによって動作が変わっているようだ。なので、インストール手順としてはどれも一緒なかんじ。



# tar zxf rs908-linux-22libc6-ia32.tar.gz


# chmod 700 linuxc6_2.2-servinst.bin
# ./linuxc6_2.2-servinst.bin
Extracting files for RealNetworks installation........................

Welcome to the Helix Server 9.08 ( Setup for UNIX
Setup will help you get Helix Server running on your computer.
Press [Enter] to continue...			←Enterを押す

If a Helix Server license key file has been sent to you,
please enter its directory path below. If you have not
received a Helix Server license key file, then this server
WILL NOT OPERATE until a license key file is placed in
the server's License directory.  Please obtain a free
Basic Helix Server license or purchase a commercial license
from our website at http://www.real.com/.  If you need
further assistance, please visit our on-line support area
at http://service.real.com/.
License Key File: []:					←Enterを押す

Choose "Accept" to accept the terms of this
license agreement and continue with Helix Server setup.
If you do not accept these terms, enter "No"
and installation of Helix Server will be cancelled.
I accept the above license: [Accept]:	←Enterを押す

Enter the complete path to the directory where you want
Helix Server to be installed.  You must specify the full
pathname of the directory and have write privileges to
the chosen directory.
Directory:  [/root]: /usr/local/helix	←インストールディレクトリ

Please enter a username and password that you will use
to access the web-based Helix Server Administrator, monitors,
and live encoders:
Username []: test						←ユーザー名
Password []:							←パスワード
Confirm Password []:

Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for
PNA connections.  These connections have URLs that begin
with "pnm://"
Port [7070]:							←Enterを押す

Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for
RTSP connections.  These connections have URLs that begin
with "rtsp://"
Port [554]:							←Enterを押す

Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for
HTTP connections.  These connections have URLs that begin
with "http://"
Port [80]: 81			←Apache等で使用している場合は変更する

Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for
MMS connections.  These connections have URLs that begin
with "mms://"
Port [1755]:							←Enterを押す

Helix Server will listen for Administrator requests on the
port shown.  This port has been initialized to a random value
for security.  Please verify now that this pre-assigned port
will not interfere with ports already in use on your system;
you can change it if necessary.

Port [21879]:							←Enterを押す

You have selected the following Helix Server configuration:

Admin User/Password:    test/****
Encoder User/Password:  test/****
Monitor Password:       ****
RTSP Port:              554
HTTP Port:              81
PNA Port:               7070
MMS Port:               1755
Admin Port:             14554
Destination:            /usr/local/helix

Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go
back to the previous prompts: [F]: F	←確認してFを入力しEnterを押す

Copying Helix Server files...
Helix Server installation is complete.

If at any time you should require technical
assistance, please visit our on-line support area
at http://service.real.com/.
Cleaning up installation files...


# cp ./RNKey-Helix_Universal_Server_Advanced_9.08-90-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.lic /usr/local/helix/License/


# cd /usr/local/helix/
# ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg &
[1] 18092
# Incorrectly built binary which accesses errno or h_errno directly. Needs to be fixed.
Helix Server (c) 1995-2005 RealNetworks, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version:   Helix Server 9.08 ( (Build 66222/5156)
Platform:  linux-2.2-libc6-i586-server

Using Config File: rmserver.cfg
Creating Server Space...
Server has allocated 256 megabytes of memory
Starting PID 18095, procnum 1 (timer)
Calibrating Timers...
Interval timer enabled (10ms resolution).
Starting PID 18096, procnum 2 (rmcore)
Starting Helix Server 9.0 Core...
Loading Helix Server License Files...
1 CPU Detected
Linux kernel version 2.4.27-0vl7 detected
Testing File Descriptors...
Setting per-process descriptor capacity to 678(1012), 10...
Testing Mutex...(152.99 ops/usec)
Testing AtomicOps...(17.15 ops/usec)
I: Loading Plugins from /usr/local/helix/Plugins...
I: adminfs.so.9.0   0x5019f860  RealNetworks Admin File System
I: adtagrep.so.9.0  0x502235f0  RealNetworks Ad Insertion Tag Replacement Plugin
I: allow.so.9.0     0x5024aed0  RealNetworks Basic Allowance Plugin
I: archplin.so.9.0  0x50277594  RealNetworks Live Archiver Plugin
I: asfwmpln.so.9.0  0x502efc08  RealNetworks Active Stream Format Version 1 Plugin
I: asncfsys.so.9.0  0x50305320  RealNetworks Network Optimized File System
I: asxplin.so.9.0   0x50314370  RealNetworks Asxgen File System
I: audplin.so.9.0   0x50328480  RealNetworks AU Renderer Plugin
I: audplin.so.9.0   0x50328480  RealNetworks PCM Renderer Plugin
I: audplin.so.9.0   0x50328480  RealNetworks AU File Format Plugin
I: audplin.so.9.0   0x50328480  RealNetworks WAVE File Format Plugin
I: audplin.so.9.0   0x50328480  RealNetworks AIFF File Format Plugin
I: audplin.so.9.0   0x50328480  RealNetworks DVI4 Renderer Plugin
I: authmgr.so.9.0   0x503700f0  RealNetworks Authentication Manager
I: bascauth.so.9.0  0x50396840  RealNetworks Basic Authenticator
I: bdstplin.so.9.0  0x503ac780  RealNetworks Broadcast Distribution Plugin
I: brcvplin.so.9.0  0x503e76a0  RealNetworks Broadcast Reception Plugin
I: cdadplin.so.9.0  0x50435230  RealNetworks Content Distribution Advise Plugin
I: cdistpln.so.9.0  0x50445540  RealNetworks Content Distribution Plugin
I: csspplin.so.9.0  0x50456a20  RealNetworks License Subscriber Plugin
I: dbmgr.so.9.0     0x50475740  RealNetworks Database Manager
I: dbwrap.so.9.0    0x5048f818  RealNetworks 5.0 Database Wrapper
I: dlicepln.so.9.0  0x504ab960  RealNetworks License Publisher Plugin
I: encfs.so.9.0     0x504de5f0  Encoder Administration File System Plug-in
I: encoplin.so.9.0  0x50516c60  RealNetworks Encoder Broadcast Plugin
I: httpfsys.so.9.0  0x505ab6f0  RealNetworks HTTP File System with CHTTP Support
I: httpfsys.so.9.0  0x505ab6f0  RealNetworks RFC 2397 Data Scheme File System
I: imgfplin.so.9.0  0x505fed70  Progressive Networks JPEG File Format Plugin
I: imgfplin.so.9.0  0x505fed70  Progressive Networks GIF File Format Plugin
I: imgfplin.so.9.0  0x505fed70  Progressive Networks PNG File Format Plugin
I: imgfplin.so.9.0  0x505fed70  Progressive Networks RealPix Format Plugin
I: imgfplin.so.9.0  0x505fed70  Progressive Networks RealPix JPEG File Format Codec Plugin
I: imgfplin.so.9.0  0x505fed70  Progressive Networks RealPix GIF File Format Codec Plugin
I: imgfplin.so.9.0  0x505fed70  Progressive Networks RealPix PNG File Format Codec Plugin
I: inclrep.so.9.0   0x506817e0  RealNetworks Include TagHandler
I: isphoster.so.9.0 0x5068ac20  RealNetworks ISP hosting plugin
I: liv3plin.so.9.0  0x506ad42c  RealNetworks Live Broadcast Plugin
I: logplin.so.9.0   0x50715450  RealNetworks Logging Plugin
I: meiffpln.so.9.0  0x50725bc0  RealNetworks Media Export File Format Plugin
I: meiplin.so.9.0   0x50745f80  RealNetworks Media Export Interface Plugin
I: miiplin.so.9.0   0x50777180  RealNetworks Media Import Plugin
I: plusplin.so.9.0  0x507e9950  RealNetworks PlusURL File Format Plugin
I: pplyplin.so.9.0  0x50813940  RealNetworks Scalable Multicast Plugin
I: ppvallow.so.9.0  0x50842440  RealNetworks Pay Per View Allowance Plugin
I: ppvbasic.so.9.0  0x50864a40  RealNetworks FlatFile Database Plugin
I: ppvmsql.so.9.0   0x5087eb7c  RealNetworks Mini SQL PPV Database Plugin
I: pxadsvff.so.9.0  0x508c0bb0  RealNetworks RealPix Adserving File Format Plugin
I: qtbcplin.so.9.0  0x508f45e0  QuickTime Live Broadcast Plugin
I: qtffplin.so.9.0  0x5092de10  RealNetworks QuickTime File Format Plugin
I: ramplin.so.9.0   0x50954380  RealNetworks Ramgen File System
I: redbcplin.so.9.0 0x50966ef0  RealSystem Broadcast Redundancy Plugin
I: rmffplin.so.9.0  0x509896f0  RealNetworks RealMedia File Format Plugin
I: mp3f.so.9.0      0x509c6830  RealNetworks MP3 File Format Plugin
I: mpgf.so.9.0      0x509d8a20  RealNetworks MPEG File Format Plugin
I: rn5auth.so.9.0   0x509f68d0  RealNetworks RN5 Authenticator
I: rn5auth.so.9.0   0x509f68d0  RealNetworks Digest Authenticator
I: rncache.so.9.0   0x50a0eda0  RealNetworks Cache Plugin
I: rtffplin.so.9.0  0x50a366d0  RealNetworks RealText File Format Plugin
I: sdpplin.so.9.0   0x50a66710  RealNetworks SDP Stream Description Plugin
I: shelfsys.so.9.0  0x50a81174  RealNetworks Shell File System
I: smlffpln.so.9.0  0x50a8d570  RealNetworks SMIL File Format Plugin
I: smlgenfs.so.9.0  0x50aae520  RealNetworks SMIL Generation File System
I: smonplin.so.9.0  0x50aeea50  RealNetworks System Monitor
I: smplfsys.so.9.0  0x50b02bc0  RealNetworks Local File System
I: swff.so.9.0      0x50b255d0  RealNetworks File Format Plugin for Macromedia Flash 4
I: tagfsys.so.9.0   0x50b4caa0  RealNetworks XMLTagFileSystem
I: tmplgpln.so.9.0  0x50b64b40  RealNetworks Dynamic Logging Plugin
I: vidffpln.so.9.0  0x50b806f0  RealNetworks AVI File Format Plugin
I: vivff.so.9.0     0x50b99588  VivoActive File Format Plugin
I: vsrcplin.so.9.0  0x50bb44b0  RealNetworks View Source Tag Replacement Plugin
I: vsrcplin.so.9.0  0x50bb44b0  RealNetworks View Source Allowance Plugin
I: vsrcplin.so.9.0  0x50bb44b0  RealNetworks View Source File System
I: wmmcastpln.so.9.0 0x50be9190  Windows Media Multicast Plug-in
I: wmsrcpln.so.9.0  0x50bff590  RealNetworks Windows Media Live Broadcast Source Plugin
I: xmlcfg.so.9.0    0x50c281d0  RealNetworks XML Configuration Plugin
Starting PID 18097, procnum 3 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18098, procnum 4 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18099, procnum 5 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18100, procnum 6 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18101, procnum 7 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18102, procnum 8 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18103, procnum 9 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18104, procnum 10 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18105, procnum 11 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18106, procnum 12 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18107, procnum 13 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18108, procnum 14 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18109, procnum 15 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18110, procnum 16 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18111, procnum 17 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18112, procnum 18 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18113, procnum 19 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18114, procnum 20 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18115, procnum 21 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18116, procnum 22 (rmplug)
Starting PID 18117, procnum 23 (memreap)
Starting PID 18118, procnum 24 (streamer)
  • 起動できない場合
    # vi rmserver.cfg


    <List Name="IPBindings">
        <Var Address_01=""/>


kill `cat /usr/local/helix/Logs/rmserver.pid`





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